Our holistic approach is a unique combination of.


A Lead Team Kick-Off workshop to drive understanding of and commitment to the power of equality, diversity & inclusion


Intervention planning


A diversity gap audit includes a Data audit, Quantitative survey, Qualitative work, Process & Policy audit and Meeting observation


Annual progress audit & strategy & action update

These Solutions enable us to identify the key barriers that are holding an organisation back from driving & leveraging the HumanForce of diversity and to put in place strategic interventions that work, grounded in the commitment and support of leadership

Examples of our Strategic Intervention Plans

  • Recruitment Communications & Process Reinvention

  • Performance & Talent Review Process Reinvention

  • Promotion Process Reinvention

  • Salary Management Process Reinvention

  • Gender Neutral Policies Reinvention

  • 1:1 Coaching

  • Workshops

  • Learning Journeys

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Philip Morris Case Study.

Phillip Morris wished to create an Inclusion and Diversity framework for its flagship IQOS product. Gill Whitty-Collins provided strategic guidance and input together with a workshops for key contacts and decision makers that led to the successful adoption of the strategy and an exciting and inspiring collaboration.

We have successfully achieved our objectives and the process was eye opening and inspiring thanks to Gill’s vast experience, inclusive approach to collaboration, genuine commitment to the values of diversity and a set of very practical tools. Numerous colleagues saw a role model in Gill, not only in terms of her professionalism and I&D advocacy, but also her engaging communication style.

Alla Vassilcheva.

Global Head of Brand, Innovation and Sustainability.

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