Personal Resilience Trainings
To manage stress and maximise energy
Interactive Programmes for leaders
Caring and supporting teams during uncertainty
Team Resilience Learning Journey
For high performing and connected teams
Resilience Events with keynote speakers
Experts and Ted Talk Speakers in the field of health and wellbeing at work
1:1 Resilience coaching
To prevent or recover from burnout
Biological Assessments
A variety of scientific tools to promote performance & healthy lifestyles
Corporate health Strategy
Assessment, stategy design and delivery across all levels of an organsiation
Emergency Sessions
Urgent 1.1 coaching support for employees in need

Our innovative and holisitc approach to health at work enables employees teams and leaders to care for themselves as well as work in caring environments that foster trust, innovation and performance.
Philip Morris Case Study
Philip Morris in Switzerland wished to build the physical resilience of senior management and in particular build awareness to create performant and healthy strategies for its senior leaders during times of change and challenge

This corporate athlete programme was phenomenal and highly impacted my energy levels, resistance to pressure, resilience, agility to change and capacity to adapt.